鬆毛犬小威 Wasao

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發行/主辦團體: Organization: 高先電影有限公司 Golden Scene Co.Ltd


Wasao 的意思是「毛茸茸」。在日本青森縣的西海岸,充滿愛心的節子 (藥師丸博子 飾) 和丈夫在海邊經營一間小小的烤魷魚店,閒時以照顧流浪狗為樂,生活過得優哉悠哉。某日,節子發現了一隻擁有蓬鬆白毛如小獅子般的流浪狗,長相憨呆卻讓人打從心底喜愛,節子因為牠長得毛茸茸,為牠起名為Wasao;但Wasao總是悄悄出現,又默默消失,教節子摸不著頭腦。


Wasao其實真有其狗,這隻流浪犬被日本青森縣某烤章魚店的老闆娘收養後,很快便憑其可愛外型成為受歡迎的鎮店之狗,更火速躍身成為全日本最受歡迎的網路明星狗,曾先後受到日本超過30家雜誌、50家電視節目報導過牠的事跡,喚起大家對流浪狗的注意。2011年,Wasao 被任命為日本本年度世界遺產大使,而這隻傳奇之犬,在日本311地震後,還以青森縣居民的身份到處巡迴賑災,堪稱目前日本最具人氣的一隻狗。

A heart-warming story of the “busakawa-ken” (means “ugly but cute dog”) Wasao, as furry as a lion’s mane, and the people around him in the northern land of Aomori.

The Shirakami Mountain Range of the Tohoku region drew much attention as the area where Mononoke Hime (Princess Mononoke) directed by Hayao Miyazaki was set in. Within its northernmost reach lies Ajigasawa, Aomori Prefecture. This fishermen’s town is known for the most beautiful sunset in Japan, and is the home to a dog which has made himself a name with his adorable appearance… His name is “Wasao.” Unlike a typical Akita Inu breed, this three-year-old male dog with a unique face is covered in a thick layer of white fur, giving him a look of a lion.

Wasao instantaneously became an idol of Japan as people wrote about his distinct presence and charms in their blogs. He has become the new craze, being featured in over 30 magazines and making appearances in over 50 TV programs across Japan. The number of tourists driving over to see Wasao on weekends and holidays has reached 2,000 per day, even causing traffic congestion!

And now, Wasao will make a screen debut! Wasao will be playing himself in this film which tells the sentimental yet heart-warming story of his past that has never been told before.The lead role Setsuko, the owner of the main character Wasao, will be played by Hiroko Yakushimaru (“A Good Husband” “Always – Sunset on the Third Street”), the all-time glorious, legendary film actress of Japan.

The affection and bond between the people around Wasao will be depicted by Director Yoshinari Nishikori, who touched the hearts of the audience with an invigorating feel in his film RAILWAYS in 2010. The entire film was shot in Ajigasawa, Aomori Prefecture, known for the most beautiful sunset in Japan. An ultimate family film of a heart-warming, tear-jerking story told in the astonishingly beautiful nature!


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來佬奇緣 Larry Crowne

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發行/主辦團體: Organization: 娛藝電影發行 UA Films


性格隨和、樂觀開朗的來利(湯漢斯 飾)自海軍退役後,一直任職大型百貨集團,是一個受下屬歡迎的小主管;可惜,金融海嘯令來利失業。沉重的住屋貸款和不明朗的前景,令他決定重返校園,自我增值。婚姻失敗、意志消沉的女講師瑪莎迪(茱莉亞羅拔絲 飾),與超齡學生來利相遇,竟然擦出意想不到的火花。朝氣蓬勃的年輕新朋友,更為來利和瑪莎迪帶來全新的生活態度…

導演: 湯漢斯
主演: 湯漢斯, 茱莉亞羅拔絲

Director: Tom Hanks
Cast: Tom Hanks 、Julia Roberts

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驚天告密 The Whistleblower

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發行/主辦團體: Organization: 驕陽電影有限公司 Ream Motion Pictures Limited



Inspired by actual events, Kathy is an American police officer who takes a job working as a peacekeeper in post-war Bosnia. Her expectations of helping to rebuild a devastated country are dashed when she uncovers a dangerous reality of corruption, cover-up and intrigue amid a world of private contractors and multinational diplomatic doubletalk.

導演: Larysa Kondracki
主演: 麗素慧絲,雲尼莎韋姬芙,大衛史特萊恩,蒙妮卡貝露琪

Director: Larissa Kondracki
Cast: Rachel Weisz, Vanessa Redgrave, David Strathairn

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